Scripture on Standing in Agreement

If you agree – mind and soul (spirit) – your actions must be brought into harmony. If finances are what you`ve agreed on, expect the money to come in. That is part of the agreement. You can`t agree on something in prayer, then do the opposite and expect it to happen. If you do this, your actions will eventually take over your thinking. Watch Kenneth Copeland guide you through the prayer of consent for healing. Prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful tools God has given us. The Word says that we know that we have the requests we have desired from Him when we do the things that please His eyes (1 John 3:22). When you assemble these scriptures, you quickly see that unconciliability would actually ruin the entire prayer system. It was a very good article, but I wonder where the author read a ”perfect or exact” agreement in the verses cited. In Matthew 18:19-20, nowhere is there ”perfect agreement” in most of the translations I have read, it says.” if two of you on earth agree on anything… The only thing I can guess is that it might have something to do with the Greek translation, and if it does, it has to be said. Otherwise, if this is the opinion of the author, it should also be indicated.

There will never be two people in ”perfect” agreement, which is not possible. We are human beings and everyone has their own perspective. Only the Holy Trinity is in perfect agreement. The other thing is insignificant, but verse 20 has also been quoted and not recognized. I believe that God and Jesus are trying to tell us, with the specific wording of this verse, that there is extreme power in common group prayer – where a group of believers all unite in harmony, harmony, and agreement with each other about what they will pray before the Lord. (Find a FREE written prayer of the Funding Agreement to download HERE.) It is a question of being in perfect agreement with the object of the request and the Word of God concerning this theme of the object of the request for prayer and not being in perfect agreement, because it refers to other things or personal points of view, feelings and opinions. That`s what I think the author of this article meant and it`s biblically correct. Prayer of agreement works with any group of people filled with faith, including a group of friends or a Bible study. It seems to work particularly well within a family, between husband and wife, between parents and children, etc. In other words, two people must be in perfect agreement with each other on the specific prayer request they wish to present to the Lord. This means that now two people are approaching God`s throne and praying for exactly the same thing.

On the one hand, there will be your own personal prayer life, which you will develop with the Lord. On the other hand, you will team up with some of the most powerful and best prayer warriors you can find so that you can be fully prepared if God calls you to approach Him with this prayer agreement. Hello, I am in a very serious business for my husband in the gap. I pray that all the chains that prevent him from thriving spiritually and financially will be broken. The Bible says that if the wife is a believer, but the husband is not, He will bless the husband for the good of the woman. (Do I understand that correctly?) My husband is a child of God, but I believe he is blinded and does not see his own mistakes. So the Lord should bless him even more when I ask Him. I like it very much. I can`t bear to see him suffer. He has many parents and this exhausts him financially and spiritually.

I pray for a prayer warrior who agrees with me on this issue. The Lord has not yet shown it to me. Please pray for me in the meantime. I work on the mysteries of prayer, fasting and prayer. Isaiah 28:18 Then your covenant will be annulled by death, and your consent to Sheol will not last; When the crushing scourge passes, you will be overthrown by it. Say to yourself, ”I refuse to think or believe anything that contradicts this agreement. Then, when Satan tries to slip into negative thoughts and break your faith, you have to tell him, ”No, no, no, hell! I do not think you are saying that. I believe what the word says. So take out your Bible. Return to the Word and soak up your mind.

Obey Proverbs 4 and keep it before your eyes. 2 Corinthians 6:16 What is the correspondence between God`s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, ”I will dwell among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” If your 6-year-old son has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer, you`ll want to do everything you can to increase your chances of getting God to heal your son. And one of the ways you can greatly increase your chances is to call other powerful prayer warriors to step aside with you, and pray with you before the Lord in unison, in harmony, and in agreement. Now that you have written your family agreement, from that moment on, thank God for the answer, knowing that you cannot waver if you want to see results. To fluctuate is to doubt. ”Father, we see in Your Word that You will satisfy all our needs according to Your wealth of glory. We agree that our financial needs will be met according to your word. We believe that we (be precise) ____ We establish this agreement in the name of Jesus. Amen. Prayer of agreement will only work if it is based on the Word of God. You and your husband or wife may one day jump and agree that you will have a hundred oil wells by midnight, but you will never see this prayer of agreement come true because it is not based on the Word of God. So, if they have a desire as a family, go to the word first.

Find the promise that covers the particular situation for which you are praying. Then write it down and meditate on it until, as Psalm 112:7 (KJV) says, your ”heart is fixed and trusts in the Lord.” Bring your whole family to this promise so that your agreement is based on a solid foundation. Here`s why it`s so important to note your agreement. Seeing it black and white on paper will make the difference! You are more likely to reconcile your confession and actions with your consent. This next mystery of prayer tells us that when two or three believers can come together in their prayer to the Lord, that God the Father will move to answer the prayer. One way to do this is to ”grasp every thought of Christ`s obedience” (2 Corinthians 10:5; KJV). You must do this if you want to see the results of your prayers agree. Continue to meditate on God`s Word to keep your faith strong (Philippians 4:8). If Jesus Himself will indeed be in the midst of two or three believers praying in accordance and harmony with God the Father, then it means that Jesus hears their prayer loud and clear. And if Jesus hears their prayer loud and clear, then these two or three believers will have a very good chance of getting their prayer answered by God the Father. So many believers miss it here. They pray the prayer of the agreement and together take a state of faith.

Then, as soon as they get out of the prayer cabinet, they start fighting their hands and saying, ”Oh my God, I just don`t know what we`re going to do if this problem isn`t solved!” Don`t make this mistake. Once you have resolved the issue by praying for consent, refuse to act as if this issue is one more problem. Instead, just start praising God. In any case, pretend that everything is fine. There is extraordinary strength in family agreement because a family is a God-ordained entity with a collective purpose, and when a family unites in faith around that goal, the results are amazing! Your family is also the place where you have the most authority; You make decisions about what you will or will not tolerate from the devil and what promises you choose to believe in God. .