Payment Plan Contract for Puppies

You can read our article on dog stud Service for a complete guide and sample contract. Most contracts include all contact information, date of birth and breed of the dog, and offer a health guarantee. Some health guarantees require you to return the puppy, so look for contracts that offer you a second puppy if the first one is in poor health because you don`t want to give up your pet. There will also likely be provisions on what happens if you are financially unable to care for or abuse the dog. The health of the puppy up to the point of sale is in the hands of the breeder. An ethical breeder will have kept pace with veterinary examinations and vaccinations. You must list all medical aids, injections and medications on the contract, if any. The need for a puppy contract lies entirely with the buyer and breeder. How can you build a strong relationship with a breeder and agree on an agreement that means something? The Buyer undertakes to inform the Seller in the event of a problem or change of situation and will not leave, sell or give the dog in an animal shelter. If the seller determines that the dog was sold or given away without being informed by the buyer, the seller will take legal action and the buyer who signed this contract will be held responsible for all legal costs incurred. Before we get into the details, it`s important to note that puppy contracts are not mandatory for a sale. But to give you an idea, here are some examples of puppy contracts that are specific to certain dog ownership expectations.

Everyone has downloadable PDF contracts that you can use as a starting point for yourself. This contract can be used by owners of show dogs or new puppies. They make an agreement to share the ownership of a puppy with a breeder. We strongly recommend that you use the puppy contracts we provided to you when buying or selling a puppy. These contracts will state everything clearly so that there are no accidents. You can also add or remove elements from the template if you need to better suit your needs. If you sign a contract that someone else offers you, we recommend that you take the time to read it carefully so that you do not miss anything in the fine print. Do you feel overwhelmed? Don`t be! Ultimately, a puppy contract is a small part of the final transaction. The trick is to do your research and know what to ask to find a breeder with a heart of gold.

Next, create a contract and contact your lawyer for legal advice to make sure your contract can be legally enforced. Here are our most useful tips for signing a puppy contract with substance and confidence. Was the puppy bred and raised to have special abilities? Some puppies come from a long line of champion show dogs or are bred for service, breeding or hunting. Be sure to list it in the contract. A deposit of $_._ will be paid by the Buyer upon the conclusion of this Agreement by the Buyer and the Seller. The balance of the purchase price, as indicated above, is due before the puppy is 7 weeks old or as indicated below. If the BUYER changes his mind about the sale of this dog or puppy, the buyer will lose this deposit. If the seller renounces the sale of this puppy, the BUYER has the choice between a selection of another puppy or a refund. If the buyer chooses another puppy, the deposit paid for the previous puppy can be transferred to the new puppy. If a transfer of a previously paid deposit is made for a puppy of a future litter, this deposit is only valid for one (1) transfer and for a maximum of six (6) months after which the deposit expires. Payment plans are offered by PUHLS BASSET HOUNDS and if the BUYER needs to be put on a payment plan, it is up to the buyer to request one. If no payment plan is requested, the full balance is due within two weeks of the deposit.

The payment options are listed below. Sometimes this happens in the field after signing the contract. At other times, when the puppy is far away, shipping is made possible. If you sell the puppy, we recommend that you use the contract in any case to protect yourself and your company from possible lawsuits. Contracts clearly define what one party expects from another party over a period of time. It is more common for them to be presented by the seller in order to legally bind the buyer to a promise that he will not raise the animal, train it properly, not miss any visit to the veterinarian, etc. These contracts usually serve to protect the seller`s business and the dog`s health. Buyers may also have contracts to ensure that the breeder uses healthy parents, performs genetic testing, treats dogs humanely, etc. to ensure that they get a healthy dog that does not leave the factory. Most of us probably don`t think about it, but selling a puppy is serious business. As with any other, you should have contracts to protect yourself from legal issues that might arise from selling to an unhappy customer.

Contracts set out all the expectations of both parties and significantly reduce the risk of litigation. However, no one likes to deal with legal issues, and creating contracts seems time-consuming and difficult. Some people also worry that a customer will look elsewhere to avoid a contract. As a buyer or seller, it is not uncommon to disagree with some of the demands listed in the contract. .