How to Amend Articles of Incorporation in California

California companies can also choose to do business with a new name. This decision must be reported to the State. Submit an amendment form and change your company name in all state and status records. If a manager of an LLC managed by a manager or a member of a member-managed LLC is aware that the Articles contain inaccurate information at the time of filing or as a result of inaccuracies in the modification of the terms contained therein, the Manager or Member, if California, authorizes the members or managers of LLC to use a change to: does not allow any modification. Instead, you must submit an information form. Any major changes in your organization must be reported to the state. You can do this by submitting the right documents. For items that are originally listed in your company`s articles, you must submit a change. Corporations are not permitted to amend returns (contained in their by-laws) that include the name and address of their first director or representative, except with the intention of correcting an error in the original return or deleting those entries after filing a return in accordance with section 1502. The simplest way to amend the statutes is to draft, accept and submit an act of amendment to the statutes. Only for a name change, the Secretary of State proposes a simple form that can be used. You must specify the specific provision of the articles of association that you wish to amend.

Identify the determination with the numeric designation in the original items. Companies have the right to amend their articles of association from time to time, provided that they comply with the articles of association contained in this Chapter. Such modifications are permitted as long as the amended article contains only provisions (at the time of submission) that are considered legal in its original organizational article. The California Charter Amendment Certificate gives state-registered companies the right to adjust or modify their organizational article at any time. Subject to the articles of section c of section 17702.05 and subsection (c) of section 17701.12, a reformulation or amendment of the organizational section comes into force when filed by the OCS and executed by one or more members of an LLC managed by its members or one or more managers of an LLC managed by a manager. There comes a time when an LLC decides to operate under a new name. The reason for this depends on the direction the owner wants to follow the business. If you choose to do so, you will need to submit an amendment to the state to inform them of your plan.

In addition, you may need to update all status and status records on your LLC. If a company feels unnecessarily constrained by the purpose of the items, it can choose to change its purpose. This is not an unusual event, especially if the business originally contained a very specific purpose statement beyond which the business has grown or plans to expand. Before amending its articles, an LLC submits a certificate of amendment to the Secretary of State by submitting a form required by that Secretary of State. The form contains the following information: If you submit exact copies with your change certificate, the SOS will return two stamped copies free of charge to the address you provided on the form. If you want more than two copies, submit additional copies of the certificate for a fee of $8 per additional copy. The same rule applies to businesses. If you change your company`s contact information, you must report it to the state by submitting a change.

This ensures that your business remains accessible to all legal issues. The business change form also requires a cover page on which you need to write the phone number of your company`s contact person. If a corporation has not issued shares, elected its directors or has not included the names of the directors in its original articles, any amendment to the articles may be accepted by a written declaration signed by a majority of the founders. In order to achieve maximum flexibility, the specific purpose of a company can be extremely broad. For example, the sections could be amended to provide for a specific purpose that is charitable, educational and scientific within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Such a comprehensive goal can cover all future activities of the company as it evolves. We have already written here and here about the declaration of purpose in the statutes of non-profit organizations. Business owners choose to change for a variety of reasons. However, in California, any change related to the formal business structure of companies requires the submission of a change. Changes to a company`s incorporation documents require the proper completion and filing of a California amendment.

Depending on the changes, you may also need to take care of other documents. To simplify the process, you can turn to a reliable document filing company like DoMyLLC. Our team can provide support and assistance to California business owners who need help completing formalities to ensure state compliance. Since the articles are the authoritative government document of last resort of the Company, any provision to the contrary in the articles or in a resolution of the board of directors has no effect. Accordingly, a corporation should carefully review its other relevant documents and regulations to ensure that they do not conflict with the articles. If this is the case, either these other documents or provisions must be amended to comply with the articles, or the articles must be amended. The two most common reasons for changing articles are probably the effect: Yes, you can reformulate the original articles instead of submitting an amendment. Simply submit reformulated organizational elements (Form LLC-10) and pay the $30 (by mail) OR $45 (in-person) filing fee.

If you submit copies using your amendment form, the Secretary of State will return an uncertified copy to the address you provided in the form. If you wish to receive additional copies, you must attach a separate application and payment for copies. The cost of the copy is $1 for the first page and $0.50 for each additional page. If you want certified copies, you will have to pay an additional certification fee of $5 per copy. California does not allow you to make changes to your LLC office/mailing addresses using a change. You must use the information statement. Such changes are also permitted if there is to be a cancellation or reclassification of the rights or shares of the shareholders or an exchange or modification of such rights and shares. If a company makes additional changes throughout its history, it can end up with articles and multiple change certificates. Reading a company`s articles as modified can be intimidating when there are multiple changes, sometimes to the same article or section of the original articles. At this point, a company can be encouraged to adopt custom elements instead of a change certificate. To amend your articles for a California LLC, file a bylaw amendment with the California Secretary of State. You will also need to provide a registration fee of $30 (ext.) OR $45 (in person).

Here you will find a free guide on how to submit the amendment to the articles of association yourself. If changes occur between filing periods, you can simply submit an information form to amend the previously filed return. There is no fee for filing an amended return. Note that the change must be typed in black or blue or handwritten ink. LLCs are not permitted to reformulate their organizational item in accordance with paragraph (c) or amend their articles in accordance with paragraph (b) to change the name and address of their registered representative for the delivery of the process, their official mailing address or the office address provided. . . .