I had to give up this book for good. I felt it would honestly hurt my subconscious mind too much to keep reading. I looked at the table of contents to see what the other agreements were. Just like the first one, I agree with the titles. But if the descriptions are something like the first one, I can`t even handle it. I wanted to love this book very much. While there are a few good points here and there, in my opinion, it`s covered with far too much stuffed animals and ideals that I can`t agree with. Of course, he will probably say that I use agreements made up of lies to come to this conclusion. Either way, it gets 1 star from me, and I won`t recommend it to anyone. In conclusion, I see the immense value of the four agreements, but the empowerment of the agreements needs the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, Ruiz ends the book by talking about becoming spiritual warriors.
It all starts with consciousness – unfortunately, most people are not aware of their condition or situation. Awareness is the first step. This is where Ruiz`s first three chords have the rubber moment on the road. The other three agreements will enter into force with the final agreement. Ruiz calls this ”personal importance.” The concept deals with the idea that we see ourselves as the center of the universe. Especially unconsciously. People believe that everything that happens revolves around them, it`s about us. But nothing else is really about us. This applies to personal insults. Ruiz recommends that we stay away from the need to be right or win the argument.
Our beliefs are ”our beliefs.” Our beliefs are chords we have chosen to perceive reality – our lenses. This does not mean that our beliefs are correct in any way. Avoid making an argument by not trying too hard to convince others that your perspective or view of reality is the right version. Don Miguel Ruiz`s ”The Four Agreements” was released in 1997 and was on the New York Times bestseller list for seven years. He encouraged people to live a more fulfilling life with four general guidelines to avoid unnecessary worry and suffering. These ”agreements” can be associated with the Christian faith by examining the Ten Commandments as well as the lessons of the Bible. ”4: Always give your best.” Isn`t that what our faith (or other religions) drives us to do? To be the best we can do, either for God`s sake or for ourselves? To help others make your life and that of everyone around you (and not around you) easier and better? For me, this agreement is about helping others whenever you can, doing your best not to be a burden to everyone around you, simply – to be the best you can be, either by following your faith or your own personal beliefs. The other way this agreement could be interpreted is this: God knows what is best for you, so what God wants you to do is follow the Bible and do your best.
In the end, only He knows what is good for each of us, regardless of what we believe in. I find it ironic that his solution for us to forget the agreements we have learned from others, which are largely false, is to teach ourselves. more agreements. Let`s move on to the first agreement, let`s be impeccable with your word, meanwhile I thought the book would improve. But then he used the scriptures to justify this concept, and he was taken so far out of context that I couldn`t ignore it. Using John 1:1, he tries to explain how the Word is responsible for creation, and because our words create, they are powerful. Except that the word in this verse is actually the word . as in Jesus. They completely missed the value of Ruiz`s book. It`s really not as self-centered as you claim, in one of the chapters it says that when it comes to assumptions, it`s a form of egocentrism because you assume it`s all about you. I don`t see how a man who encourages us to be people of integrity and always work hard is a magician. Your comments make you look like a religious fanatic.
While it`s good to distinguish New Age literature, it`s also important for you to see its value, at least it`s more inclusive than Christianity. Nothing in New Age philosophy avoids other beliefs, while the Bible condemns same-sex marriages, it condemns, among other things, the time it spends with non-disciples. Finally, the last of Ruiz`s chords should calm the minds of those who spend their time worrying about being perfect. In the Christian faith, the Apostle Paul reminds his disciples that it is much more important to do their best than to be constantly compared to those around them. The fourth agreement relieves the pressure of always being impeccable and makes it acceptable for us, as human beings, to have our flaws as long as we try to be the best we can. The solution according to Ruiz are the four agreements. We create our own new and empowering agreements based on how this world really works. This creates a new reality in which we can live. So that`s where Ruiz`s four agreements come in.
My last review was Jordan B Peterson`s 12 Rules For Life. It`s a great book in my opinion, but when I put it on the shelf, it occurred to me, as good as Peterson`s board was, that the foundation was always based on principles. This baffled me for a while as my mind and heart struggled with the principled basis of changing his life. Then I spied on Don Miguel Ruiz`s The Four Agreements on my shelf almost next to my new addition. Agreements, yes, I remember reading the four agreements years ago and I found the concept of agreements inspiring as an approach to life course and relationships from the point of view of agreements rather than principles. So, I reread the book and here is my review. I hope you like it. Brain Mason writes: But what ”SHOULD” be a Christian`s reaction to this book? Tell us Brian.
What ”SHOULD” be my reaction to the four chords – What ”should I” believe, what ”should” I read, observe, write, say ????? You are selfish and narcissistic because you project your own revelations onto others and say that what you think is ”the answer” should be. I`m sad about it because it`s arrogant and selfish and you`re using the Bible to argue something that probably doesn`t even interest God in reality. I fought the four covenants with God and He revealed to me that I should pass on this knowledge to other people because some people are in a different place where they receive instructions, and the Four Agreements are based on love, not all that nonsense you say you are. .