Settlement Scheme Requirements

EU citizens, non-EU EEA citizens, Swiss citizens and eligible family members of all those residing in the UK after 31 December 2020 will need an immigration permit (either through the EU settlement system or through another category of immigration regulations, as will be the case from January 2021). Please note that those entering the UK before 31 December 2020 will have until 30 June 2021 to apply under the programme, BUT it is strongly advised to apply as soon as possible. Until you have permission under the EU settlement system, you must be in the UK in accordance with EU laws. NOTE: December 31, 2020 marks the end of each ”transition period” (see our updated information on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the transition period). For the same reason, those with a documented right of permanent residence under EU law must apply under the scheme (or any other category of immigration rules) before the expiry of the deadline for the scheme, as the right of permanent residence is an EU right that will no longer be recognised after the transition/transposition period. Those who have a document confirming permanent residence can apply free of charge under the system and (if successful) receive ”permanent resident status”. The following groups of people who are currently in the UK or who arrive at 11pm on 31 December 2020 can apply as part of the settlement programme: The settlement programme is not just for those who wish to move to the UK after graduation. It is the immigration permit that can lead to settlement, but does not need to be used to reach an agreement. With the permission of the program, there are no study restrictions (where you study or what you study). If you are an eligible family member of an EU citizen, a non-EU EEA or a Swiss citizen who has applied under the system, you can use their application number in your application. However, they can apply before they have applied (if you meet the eligibility criteria).

The deadline for EEA citizens to apply under the comparison system is 30 June 2021, but it is strongly recommended to apply as soon as possible. When you apply to the programme, you will need to answer questions about the crimes you have been convicted of in the UK or other countries with a criminal record. You will also have to answer questions about the crimes for which you are waiting to go to court. You only need to do this if you are 18 years of age or older. The EU establishment system aims to provide EU citizens, non-EU EEA and Swiss citizens and their eligible family members living in the UK before the end of the transition period (during which freedom of movement continues) to protect their residence in the UK after the end of the transition period. You do not have to prove that you meet all the requirements of the applicable rules on free movement, e.B. describe in detail the requirement to have comprehensive health insurance or, more generally, the exercise of certain rights (e.B the right to work) under EU law. The United Kingdom has decided at national level that the main condition for eligibility for the settlement system will be permanent residence in the United Kingdom. To apply under the establishment system, you do not have to prove that you are ”exercising a right of residence”.

This means that if you are an EU citizen, you do not have to prove that you are in the UK as an `employee`, `student` or `self-sufficiency`, etc. Therefore, although it is not necessary to provide proof that you have full health insurance under or apply for under the EU settlement system, until you obtain a permit under the scheme, you must exercise a right of residence during your stay in the UK. Therefore, you will need comprehensive health insurance if you are in the UK as a student, self-sufficient or family member. You can apply for permanent resident status under the scheme if you have been living in the UK for five years. They must meet the definition of ”uninterrupted waiting period” in Annex EU, Annex 1 – Definitions, which includes permissible deviations of up to six months over a period of 12 months and/or an absence of up to 12 months for good cause; a non-exhaustive list contains studies. You must meet one of the eligibility criteria for the programme, which for most people is either: See the information under the heading ”the grace period”, which explains your legal status if you are in the UK between 11pm on 31 December and 30 June 2021 and you do not have a permit under the EU settlement system, but you are eligible to apply. If you are considered for pre-established status but disagree with it (because you have been here for five years or more or meet other requirements for permanent resident status), you can upload other evidence to show how long you have been in the UK. The form tells you the period for which information is missing, and you only have to provide information for that period.

The Ministry of the Interior prefers a single piece of evidence (i.e. a letter of attendance from an educational institution that covers a period of three years). This may include proof that you were absent for an ”important reason” such as studying abroad. Your data will only be displayed if you dispute your ”pre-set” status. You will be asked if a social worker can contact you by email or phone, and if you do not think you can provide evidence, a social worker will contact you after submission to help you find a way to prove your status. The billing system was designed to be very simple and user-friendly and was tested in three pilot projects (with changes made to the application during these pilot projects). It is possible to apply for EU settlement status from inside or outside the UK. Non-EEA citizens must meet additional requirements in order to apply from outside the UK. You can either complete an online application and then use the Identity (ID) app (currently only available on Android phones) to upload documents, or complete an online application and then proceed to in-person identity checks. When identity documents are sent, they are received, verified and returned (not kept). Some categories of eligible candidates cannot use the online service – for more information, see the guidelines of the Ministry of the Interior.

A paper form can only be used in certain circumstances, but it is the only application method that can be used by certain categories of non-EU/EEA/Swiss applicants. The information provided by the Ministry of the Interior indicates which categories of applicants must use the paper form and how they can obtain it. Since 4. June 2020 is planned to send a paper application to the appropriate email address (indicated on the form) of the Ministry of the Interior. The application has been free since March 30, 2019. For applications submitted and paid under the pilot, the application fee will be refunded – see The processing system of 30 March 2019 To become a UK citizen, you must meet certain legal criteria relating to your immigration status, length of stay in the UK, your future intentions, your knowledge of the English language and your life in the UK. and good character. The requirements for British citizenship by naturalisation vary slightly depending on whether or not you are married to a British citizen. This list is not exhaustive.

A full list can be found in the Ministry of the Interior`s guidelines on the eligibility of the EU resolution system. Eligible family members who are not in the UK on 31 December 2020 may still be able to apply under the scheme if the relationship with the EU/EEA citizen has been established on that date. This includes: If you need help with your claim in the EU, please make an appointment for a consultation (virtually or in person). A consultant can discuss the requirements with you and discuss any issues you may have. If a longer appointment is required, the consultant will make an appointment with you and book it for you during the consultation appointment. Applications for British citizenship can usually be submitted after permanent resident status has been held for 12 months and other conditions have been met. Certain eligible family members who did not enter the UK before 31 December 2020 may still be able to apply under the settlement scheme after the deadline if the relationship with the EU, third-country or Swiss citizen was established on that date. Eligibility also remains open to a child born to a person who has obtained permission under the program. The status of ”pre-settled” is lost after an uninterrupted absence of more than two years from the United Kingdom and the islands. If you lose your ”predetermined status” and no longer meet the requirements of the EU establishment system,. B for example, if you return to the UK after 31 December 2020, you will need to apply in a relevant category of immigration regulations. Applications under other categories of immigration rules are valid for entry into the UK from 1 January 2021; You cannot apply in the UK until that date.
