Model Contract Vanzare Cumparare Auto 2019 Editabil

Hello! Can you please tell me, if the car is registered in another county and the purchase contract is signed in Bucharest, how is it supposed to have the same date with the document from the tax office to remove the car from the seller`s property? What to do in this situation? Make several certified copies based on the remaining contract. They will take the place of the original. The act of selling the purchase of the car must be done in 5 copies. And let`s not forget to tell you: all these copies must be used in the original format. You will continue to see why so many originals are needed. Hello. I buy the car from a close relative. I would like to complete the purchase sale law above. I list it in 5 copies. Which of the 5 copies do I have to sign and which buyer? Thank you very much! Hello, A Romanian citizen residing in Austria, buy a used car in Romania.Poate do you register the car with about financially in Austria, as far as registration is concerned? hello, the contract must be typed or can be filled out by hand? Good evening. A week ago, I bought a car in Falticeni from one person, ”I come from another country to the seller”, the car was brought from Holland, the car did not have tomatoes (temporarily) on the Romanian name of the seller from whom I bought it, but still could not do it rarely.

I made the alienation contract in an authorized office in falticeni, but the tax did not pass anything on to the seller, who said that at the town hall of falticeni there can be no taxes on the car until it is issued civ by rare, I vb with the former owner (the one from whom I bought the vehicle) and can take out a number of steps of forecasters in his name, that this I expire and I do not have time, my rare-ul, now I wonder if it is true what tells me that in falticeni, to put stamps of the town hall, I need civ-ul cars and as I rarely do, he will give me this tax on the alienation agreement based on the Civ received, who went to see me with Zaharelul. Hello. I inherited a car from a relative. Can I sell it as an inheritance with legal documents without labeling it in circulation in my name? the car is registered for tax purposes in my name. and has a valid itp bead and vehicle card in the name of the deceased. You need a purchase contract specifically tailored to your situation. Soon we will publish a model purchase contract based on two buyers and two sellers. According to the model of the purchase contract that is concluded between 2 people, if I remove everything that is additional for the legal part, is it okay? If my brother German citizen I sell my car in Bucharest on such a visa-free contract from the German tax administration is the car still registered is a problem? can it broadcast later in Germany? From the date of signature, the Buyer acquires the status of owner of the law and the facts concerning the vehicle that is the subject of this purchase contract and assumes all the obligations provided for by law, including those related to the transcription of the vehicle in his name, within a maximum period of 30 days.

The second part of the contract is concluded with the seller`s data. The person who alienates must be the natural person. If it is a legal person, the contract has no value. If the sale is made between a legal person and a natural person, the invoice must be drawn up. I made for a Dacia Logan car the contract of acquisition of alienation in 5 copies, signed by both, in a center of Acte-Auto, then he gave me the money and I as a seller gave him the keys, the identity card, the compulsory insurance and the registration certificate of the car. Now I was with the purchase contract at the town hall for taxes and at the police for storing numbers. Subsequently, I discovered that I had not filled out anything on the registration certificate at INSTRAINAT for ….., DATE and SIGNATURE. This person doesn`t want me to complete his INSTRAINAT column anymore… What do you advise me??? ….

THANK YOU! But you can`t find an article that teaches the user how to really fill out a template of the car purchase contract. The first purchase contract from the copies left to the buyer is used for the registration of the car with the tax office. Just as the car was removed from the tax office by the seller, it must be registered by the buyer with the tax office. The contract for the purchase of the car must be concluded for the first time in 5 copies in the original. They must be signed by everyone (buyer and seller). Hello Virgil, This C-V contract has been concluded, after which we also need the AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION SHEET for registration. Ms. Alexandra, that is a question. The contract must be concluded in the name of your father. In the third part (which is the subject of the contract), the data of the car must be written, but .

And so, in the latter case, you only have one purchase contract template. You will not give this model to anyone, and with it you will prove that the car is your property. Hello, I live in Brasov and I would like to sell my car, which is in the name of my father (small insurance) and lives in Botosani. How to proceed with the purchase contract? Can I sell the car myself, with papers? or must it be my father when the purchase contract is concluded? If it is still acceptable to sell me the car, what documents do I need to give to the new owner and what are the next steps? Hello, can you please tell me how to proceed if the car has two owners (as a result of an estate)? Is there another form? Thanks to the purchase contract, can we conclude if I have a good relationship with the buyer without going to any counter? Thank you. Unfortunately, you have nothing to do but pursue it. I suggest that the article for more information. Documents are still valid even if the indicators expire. The numbers are only valid for one month, but you can take red numbers so that you can circulate with them. It must be taxed. It is imposed on behalf of the father-in-law by an authorized representative. It is concluded through a purchase contract and then passed on to your name so that you can sell it. We are an online marketing agency that wants to make life easier for car sellers and buyers in Romania by implementing a system that can issue you the purchase contract in a very short time, all with only 27.99 lei/contract.

How are these models used by the buyer? Find out by reading the following lines. I bought a car from Germany and brought it to the country on wheels, now I would like to register it in my mother`s name (cheaper insurance). Do I still have to put it in my tax office before signing the contract with my mother or can she do it directly? The contract does not have the possibility to pass this option. If you want to keep the registration number. You go to the police and pay these fees (before selling the car). More details can be found on: Hello, if only two copies of the purchase contracts were made and one remained with the seller and another with the buyer, but when the buyer was presented to the tax office of the EU country, this contract was withdrawn from him because it was transmitted, which means there will be problems with RAR and ANAF here in Romania at the time of registration. How would you advise us to proceed in such a case? In the purchase contract, if I physically buy the car, but I register it in the name of my father (by right) what complete data for the PERSON who ACQUIRES, my data or the data of the person whose name I register? If you want to fill it out in person, you can download a template from the Internet in Doc format. Or you can go to the bottom of the page. And you can print it immediately after it is finished.

The CAR is carried out after automatic taxation until the actual registration. It is better to make the contract in Itaian. In his box, it would be advisable to hand over the address of residence in Italy. Since the purchase is made between me and my mother, can I pass on the value of 1 leu? Honestly, I really have to put the car in my name, that`s all. If I am forced to pass a higher value, I do not understand the interest. Or what is the minimum value that needs to be exceeded? The numbers remain the same, and anyway I still use the car today. Thank you very much! Finally, this contract is signed in the premises: another purchase contract would transfer the car on your behalf. Forget! You must register the car with the tax authorities and then remove it.

Hello. My brother-in-law has a car brought into the country, after which he took the numbers and radiation with him to Germany. For the purchase of the sale, the contract can be concluded online? Thank you. Hello. More recently, I understand that those of taxes and duties are responsible for the preparation of the purchase contract. Is this true or can it just be done in any documentation center? Hello. The option/mention to keep the registration number is absent from the contract. .