Ec Model Grant Agreement

In addition to the grant agreement, it is mandatory for all beneficiaries to sign a consortium agreement. Each consortium must define its own structures and rules that meet its specific requirements. To support the preparation of your specific consortium agreement, ERA-LEARN provides a template for era-NET Cofund Consortium Agreement. The model is based on DESCA. DESCA 2020 is a global model consortium agreement for Horizon 2020. Initiated by fp7 key stakeholders and updated for Horizon 2020 in consultation with the FP community, it provides a reliable framework for project consortia. If your proposal is selected for funding under the EU Framework Programme, until last year Horizon 2020 and since this year Horizon Europe, you are invited to prepare the grant agreement (GA). This funding contract is concluded between the European Commission (the funding agency) and the project consortium. It includes the general conditions of the act/grant as well as the rights and obligations of the parties concerned. The grant agreement and its signature by all parties are a prerequisite for starting the project.

If the ERA-LEARN-Cofund funding proposal has been proposed, the European Commission will open a meeting on the participant portal to prepare the grant agreement. A specific model grant agreement with the European Commission is based on a model grant agreement. This template contains specific annexes for financial forms, a form for the obligation to make funds available and a template for reporting on the use of the previous pre-financing tranche. An annotated template of the grant agreement is also available for download. This file contains explanations of the main financial provisions of the Model Financial Assistance Agreement (MGA). The commented model grant agreement covers all Horizon 2020 grants. The specific section on era-NET Cofund is available in Chapter V (pages 574 et seq.). The lessons learned from Horizon 2020 lead us to a Horizon Europe focused on promoting participation by simplifying and optimising the overall administrative burden. Like Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe projects will be preceded by the start of the project throughout the preparation phase of the grant agreement. Our hosting team has successfully guided dozens of cooperation projects in their funding preparations, starting with FP7 and throughout 2020.

We welcome the changes and improvements to the new Horizon Europe MGA and are well prepared to support you in the preparatory phase of your many successful Horizon Europe grants through the grant agreement. Most of the provisions of the AGM cannot be changed. However, individual details may be agreed individually with the European Commission/funding agency during the grant preparation phase, such as . B start of the project and the amount of pre-financing. This page contains reference documents on the programmes managed on the EU Funding and Tender Portal, ranging from legal documents and Commission work programmes to model grant agreements and guides for specific actions. All formal steps in the preparation of the grant agreement are described in the H2020 online manual. The FFG has prepared a comparative document highlighting the differences between the model grant agreements for the different initiatives and the general MGA H2020. The document and other information can be found under ”Downloads” (see below).

For most H2020 projects, the consortium must prepare and sign a consortium agreement. While the grant agreement defines the rights and obligations related to the project, the beneficiaries (signatories to the grant agreement) on the one hand and the EC on the other hand, the consortium agreement regulates the rights and obligations between the beneficiaries themselves with regard to the implementation of the project. For more information, see the DESCA H2020 Consortium Agreement Template. For more information on how to add CERN-specific legal data to the Participant Portal, see the GA Mandatory Options for CERN section of the grant agreement preparation procedure. Horizon 2020 provided a general model financial assistance agreement (general GPA) for research and innovation actions (RIA), innovation actions (IA) and coordination and support actions (CFAs), while specific models of financial assistance agreements (specific MGAs) were adopted for specific programmes such as the ERC, the CSIA and the SME Instrument. In order to enable users to better understand and interpret the grant agreement and to provide answers to common questions and questions, the European Commission has also proposed the Model Annotated Grant Agreement (AGM), which explains the details of the General Agreement and the General Agreement on The General Agreement on Subsidies. Since it is intended to be comprehensive and covers all the possible options provided for in the 58 articles of the various grant agreements, it has more than eight hundred pages and is continuously updated with new examples and explanations. .